Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Session 5 Reflection!!

This has been a very relevant session.......right from the video presentation by Francis on open schooling to the very end. The session helped me appreciate that from OERs we can get the best study materials and that through collaboration we can go though  even the impassable terrains of Africa.I appreciated initiatives such as COMOSA that encourage collaboration between institutions. Creative commons can also enhance networking between individuals, institutions and even states as people engage with each others' content and other creations. I learnt about the different freedoms that one needs to appreciate in the world of OERs as well as what each of these freedoms mean - a great eye opener for me! I then appreciated the idea of being a willing giver, as yu a always will to take from others! In other words to have a sharing spirit to bring the best out of each one of us. The session on technology was also great as it advocated for integrating different media. This can facilitate easier comprehension of concepts usually not easy to explain eve in a lecturer room using a conventional education system.The presentations by Francis and Chris, I'm tempted to say - were the best!! And truly so as they closed this par of the chapter, with hope of more still to come!! 

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Case Study!

Like all other reflective tasks, the case study was also a force to reckon with! There were lots of unexpected surprises. For me I take that this is a challenge to read more extensively on copyright and on all the issues related to intellectual property rights. The challenge, for instance, was on instances that I thought copy right would be required and the opposite will turn out to be true!! For instance, I had thought Theresa Brown could not use her slide show as it was based on a published work, though her original work. However, the answer given was in the affirmative that she could actually use her slides. My thinking was she would need consent from the journal to use the slides that were based on a journal article!! This shows that for copyright issue one cannot depend on guessing, but need to read broadly and engage other scholar on this hot issue of copyright and intellectual property rights. #ocl4ed

Thursday, 5 September 2013

1st Learning Reflection

My experience for this course is indeed exciting, yet also challenging and very engaging. To start with, I  had to create and open new platforms such as blog which I had never used below. I was helped my  knowledge of using the net but of course it took time as at times I missed important stages and had to start the whole process all over again. This was like what educationist refer to as "prior learning" as I relied so much on whatever little I knew about creating platforms such as twitter. My adobe flash was also not active and could not view and listen to videos until just this afternoon. I almost gave in but remembered that perseverance can make one soar like eagles - hence I toiled on until I managed to install it. Now i can easily follow the lessons. Despite the challenges I was excited and humbled by the interactivity displayed by participants and the wealth of knowledge on creative commons that was even displayed and shared by Bishop Emeritus Tutu and the wonders that creative commons can do such as knowledge and information sharing, contributing your thoughts, empowering others through creative commons and how one can easily become a "global citizen" by using creative commons. #OCL4ED